Return to Angular

April 20, 2016

This post is more appropriate for me and not you. Unless you, like me, are learning Angular and want all the pieces to fit in your brain.

We have a file app.js that has a module named 'myApp' instantiated to app. A module contains the different AngularJS components.

var app = angular.module("myApp", []);

In our index.html we connect our HTML to our Angular via a directive. Directives are instructions back to Angular to run some code. They are namespaced with 'ng-' and are the equivalent of <% %> in ERB, sort of. Directives also define the scope - so for our main directive, we want our whole code to be scoped to the whole body text of the HTML.

<body ng-app="myApp">
  <!--- code -->

Now we create a file called MainController.js for managing our app's data. In the controller, we are naming our controller as our first argument and passing in an array as our second. This array[0] is set to $scope and [1] set to, in our case, a string. Note that we are able to link this controller to our main app in app.js because controller is a method of app, and app is the instantiated angular module. This is how this is all stitched together so far.

app.controller('MainController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
  $scope.title = 'This is my String';

Now this $scope means that the entire body of the HTML page can access things like title using the angular version of string interpolation, which is {{ site.dlcb }} title {{ site.drcb }} - now 'This is my String' can be entered into the HTML.

You can also set scoped objects and use dot notation to refer to data in your html.

app.controller('MainController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
  $scope.title = 'This is my String Harriet Tubman';
  $ = "Goodbye Andrew Indian Killer Jackson";
  $scope.product = {
  name: 'The Book of Tubman',
  price: 119

and the html

<div class="thumbnail">
  <img src="img/the-book-of-trees.jpg">
  <p class="title">{{ site.dlcb }} {{ site.drcb }}</p>
  <p class="price">$ {{ site.dlcb }} product.price {{ site.drcb }}</p>
  <p class="date"> </p>

Astute readers will note that above in the "price" class p tag, I hardcoded a dollar - that isnt necessary though with Angular, you can use a pipe like with bash and just send that data to a filter. Here we will use 'currency' and delete the dollar sign.

<p class="price">{{ site.dlcb }} product.price | currency {{ site.drcb }}</p>

We want to use filters so we are separating the data from the presentation.

Other cool filters include:

  • | uppercase
  • | date

Also note that this is how you add a date into Angular and also create an array of objects in Angular to reference later.

$scope.products =
      name: 'The Book of Trees',
      price: 19,
      pubdate: new Date('2014', '03', '08'),
      cover: 'img/the-book-of-trees.jpg'
      name: 'Program or be Programmed',
      price: 8,
      pubdate: new Date('2013', '08', '01'),
      cover: 'img/program-or-be-programmed.jpg'

Now we can display this with a loop in the html with the code below. Note that we use ng-src instead of plain old src inside the img tag, and how we use ng-repeat and the Ruby-like product in products syntax.

<div ng-repeat="product in products" class="col-md-6">
  <div class="thumbnail">
    <img ng-src=" {{ site.dlcb }} product.cover {{ site.drcb }} " />
    <p class="title">{{ site.dlcb }}{{ site.drcb }}</p>
    <p class="price">{{ site.dlcb }}product.price | currency{{ site.drcb }}</p>
    <p class="date">{{ site.dlcb }}product.pubdate | date {{ site.drcb }}</p>


What I learned about Angular today

  • A module contains the different components of an AngularJS app
  • A controller manages the app's data
  • An expression displays values on the page
  • A filter formats the value of an expression